

AskRebecca Intuitive Life Coach, Psychic and Energy Healer. Rebecca allowed us to experiment and execute a logo design for her new company. Rebecca had no instructions other than she would like purple to be incorporated.

Within the first logo concept, Rebecca felt extremely happy and excited with the logo design that we had designed for her below. Rebecca felt it encompassed everything that she had envisioned and that it reflected where she wanted her business to grow from.

We also designed a website for Rebecca that she uses for customer engagement in her weekly “AskRebecca” blog posts.

Here is a short snippet of AskRebecca, “Hi, I’m Rebecca Russo. I am an Intuitive Life Coach, Psychic and Energy Healer but most of all I am just like you, human. I help guide amazing people all over the world who feel they are not good enough, lost, afraid, uncertain, unloved, and stuck in their lives back into loving themselves and feeling empowered. I teach them how to successfully connect with their own intuition and soul in order to guide themselves through their evolutionary journey and life purpose. I believe everyone deserves happiness, life is meant to be loved not feared. I believe life is meant to be an adventure. I believe in peace, truth, limitless possibilities and miracles. I believe we are the creators of our reality. I believe our outward life is a reflection of our internal state of being. I believe in hope. I believe in second, third and fourth chances. I believe in forgiveness. I believe there is no such thing as a mistake. I believe in being yourself. Most of all I believe in unconditional love.

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